Wednesday, January 2, 2013

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I'm gonna try to be a better blogger this year. No promises, but while awaiting the arrival of baby boy #3 I have been reading a lot, sewing a lot & shooting a lot. I figure it's time for me to share! Hopefully not to much ;) I just got the app blog lovin & started following some of my fav. blogs. Hopefully this will help me remember how much I love posting my own stuff & stay on it. There never feels like there's enough time between the house, hubby, kiddos, dance, photography, sewing & all the other ideas floating around in my head but this year I vow to be different. To take those ideas out of my head & execute them so I can feel accomplished instead of lazy! My boys have really grown up a lot this year & have shown me that if we will just do stuff then it will be done! How about that! Who would've ever thought! Hahaha!

One note I did end 2012 on was teaching myself more about my camera & trying to push myself to shoot in the manual. I got my 50mm lens for christmas which has already shown me where my box is & that I have totally been in it....... ALL Year!  Here is a shot I took myself while playing round with shooting in manual for one of the first times in a long time.